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Showing posts from September, 2020

NGO Working for Senior Citizen During Covid19 – HLFPPT

Did you know, in India more than 35% of elderly are either abandoned by family or living alone. The privileged class is still in a better state as they are able survive on savings but those who are dependent on their children for food, medical help and other necessities, their life becomes utterly difficult as the body does not allow them to work and without earning survival is not possible for anyone. Hlfppt one of the leading NGOs in the healthcare sector has come forward to help seniors and saving lots of lives. Especially in current times when due to weak immunity they are exposed to infection easily, many things have to be well managed - from medicines to meals and Hlfppt, the leading NGO working for old age people is taking care of all. Our team is 2500 people strong and each and every person is working towards a better society.  Supporting old age homes Various projects are being carried out wherein we reach to the old age homes and provide them with basic necessities - free sa

Know About Top Social Marketing Organisation In India

First of all, you need to know – What is Social Marketing? Social marketing applies standards from commercial marketing & the social sciences to transform people’s frame of mind for the social cause – to help both individuals and complete society. To make you clearer, think about some of the big challenges in front of any specific section of society or front of entire humanity like climate change, pollution and health issues, etc. These issues are generally caused by human behavior, and so can only be tackled if we change our lifestyles and bad livelihood habits. So, social marketing is a wide filed working on all these issues by spreading awareness & aid.  What is not exactly social marketing? Generally, many people are confused between social marketing & social media marketing, both are different things. You can do social media marketing through many social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Who employs social marketing? Social marketing organisation

Donate Online to NGO and Save Lives – HLFPPT

Your small decision can add years to someone's life. Yes, as a NGO working across various segments for decades, including healthcare, we know how much people want our support and it’s our little contribution that changes their life. India's poverty rate is high as we know well, people are unable to meet their daily food requirements, health is so poor that there are no chances recovery if proper treatment not been given on time, they are not aware of the importance of family planning and then when the family is huge, problems like malnutrition arises and above all the condition of women is same like the conventional times - Menstruation is still a taboo, producing children and cooking is their only job and when it comes to taking care of health, there are not enough resources which in turn is degrading their condition even more. Do you want to lend a helping hand? is the best NGO for partnership which you will know about here :  Covid19 crisis   The government is doi