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Showing posts from July, 2020

NGO Helping During COVID-19 Pandemic by Distributing Relief Kits and Online Trainings

In these testing times many people among us who have come forward to help the underprivileged and that's truly the act of kindness that is dedicated to God, of saving his own creation who is in a difficult situation and fighting hard to save their  life. If you privileged enough and can help people out there who are loosing their lives due to poverty - lack of food or health reasons, then this is the time to take a step forward and collaborate with NGO working on corona projects - is helping people day and night by reaching people in every nook and corner of India physically and virtually both. Due to loss of jobs, the labour class is in complete mess as we all are aware of. Without our support how are they going to survive? Imagine the new borns are not getting milk, why? Because there is no money as there is no work - Factories are shut. Shops are closed. With the hope that things will become normal soon, let's fight against the situation together. Help those who

NGO Working for Better Family Planning – HLFPPT

India harbors around 130 million people currently and this number is expected to further rise by every passing year and the rising numeral is a big concern for not only the government but also for generations to come. The human-environmental balance is losing its equilibrium every year and this becomes an individual responsibility to curb the growing population. There are various NGOs and social marketing agency operating in India that work tirelessly toward this cause. There are various tools who help these social workers in contributing to this problem, let’s discuss some of them below: • Community education - Education is the most powerful and effective tool in building a nation and solving its issue as big as ‘growth in population’. Educating the masses about the ill effects of rising population is the basic remedy that has to be brought into existence. Social foundations like Hlfppt are dedicatedly working in this direction and aspire to reach every individual. Educating people c

Best NGO in Kerala - A Help For Providing Basic Rights

Serving others is everyone's duty as humans and that can only happen if we understand the pain of others and protect them from anything that might come in their way and proves life threatening later on. Just because of lack of resources available or not enough awareness people many a times become prone to tough situations that are unalterable. Contributing to improvement of society is the biggest acts of kindness. You might not have time to go to villages and parts of cities where the under privileged lives? No worries, just find the right NGO that can do it for you. If your donation is in right hands, it will surely be used for right cause thereby fulfilling your purpose. Looking for best NGO in Kerala? Log on to From family planning to adolescent healthcare and CSR partnerships we make everything possible. Our team of experts is always on their toes to help needy, all we want is your support.  Skill development  The route cause of anything is lack o

NGO in Adolescent Healthcare With Awesome Performance - HLFPPT

Adolescent Healthcare is one of the primary concerns in villages, as people do not take preventative measures. According to them everything that happens is destined, but as we all know that unless one takes necessary precautions protection from serious disorders is not possible. HIV, diseases during pregnancy, drug abuse, anxiety and depression are some of the major problems people fight with and the concern is, they don’t know about it. Women keeps on doing daily chores at highest level during pregnancy, men are unaware about HIV positive symptoms, therefore no precautions are taken before intercourse, young girls do not take care of hygienic conditions during mensuration as all they know is this is taboo and they must be away from everyone. Here the role of NGOs become very important., the most trusted NGO in India not only work towards making things available for people but educating them so that before how's, the why's are tackled. You can be the part of our b